Calm letter to Alan, NPP & Other Parties plas Voters.

Calm letter to Alan, NPP & Other Parties plas Voters. Dear Alan you've breathed a fresh breath of air into our political space and truth be told this is the first time we're going to have an INDEPENDENT candidate that has really risen through the ranks of our politics with so much credibility and following. I could be wrong but many of your friends who were supporting you earlier might leave since they might not find your machinery one that can give them Parliamentary status since it's an independent machinery so just as you indicated at your Press Conference you'll obviously have to rely on the other Political Parties Members of Parliament to Govern in the event that you become a President. Please let this be one of your Guide as you Continue to appeal to the supporters of all the other Political Parties and Ghanaians. Personally After witnessing and going through the Rawlings, Kufour, Mills, Mahama & Nana's governments I have absolutely No Reason to TRUST ...