
Showing posts from September, 2023

Calm letter to Alan, NPP & Other Parties plas Voters.

Calm letter to Alan, NPP & Other Parties plas Voters. Dear Alan you've breathed a fresh breath of air into our political space and truth be told this is the first time we're going to have an INDEPENDENT candidate that has really risen through the ranks of our politics with so much credibility and following. I could be wrong but many of your friends who were supporting you earlier might leave since they might not find your machinery one that can give them Parliamentary status since it's an independent machinery so just as you indicated at your Press Conference you'll obviously have to rely on the other Political Parties Members of Parliament to Govern in the event that you become a President. Please let this be one of your Guide as you Continue to appeal to the supporters of all the other Political Parties and Ghanaians. Personally After witnessing and going through the Rawlings, Kufour, Mills, Mahama & Nana's governments I have absolutely No Reason to TRUST ...

Selfishness & Vindictiveness destroying the Industry.

Selfishness & Vindictiveness destroying the Industry. Even if you're deaf & dumb, nobody should tell you that we're in an industry plagued with Selfishness and Vindictiveness and these attributes can never grow any industry. Recently Shatta had to cancel his 3 year old Freedom wave Concert just because a section of the industry now in power decided to use that power to sabotage him in order to favour their favourite. I felt in the interest of the entire industry this current leadership would have delivered a decision that would have favoured both Brands so that in December we could have 2 huge concerts especially now that we might not be having the Afronations & Co. As we all know they decided to use their influence to give one party all the days he needed to set up and the other party barely One day to set up even against the Policy of the National Sports Authority which gives at least two days for setup. Obviously knowing that the one day will not work and instead...

UPDATE: Current state of Amphitheatres - FOCAP

UPDATE: Current state of Amphitheatres. #FOCAP GM Fam, as we continue to advocate for the good of the Creative Arts industry, we'll not leave you in the dark. We'll keep you updated on the projects this government promised the Arts Industry. In 2016 , they promised 9 theaters, and in 2020, an additional 5 amphitheatre promise was made. We're in 2023, and the government is still working hard to finish this Amphitheatre in the video inserted. He actually promised to finish this particular one by July ending, but we're in September and still counting. Kindly note that as of today, 27th Sept 2023, NONE of the 14 theatres promised from 2016 have been completed. #FOCAP #PositiveAdvocacy Video Credits: James Clark

Second Fiddle is always Less Important.

Second Fiddle is always Less Important. Story by KYAscriptoriumblogpost Knowing thy self is Knowing peace since that's the only way to accept the position you've chosen. We are a Sovereign Country with Brilliant and Talented independent Musicians who have played the World Stage as their platforms. From Osibisa, Ambuley to the Rockstone, Rocky Dawuni to our 4S (Sark, Stone, Shatta, Samini) to our own Wiyaala just to mention a few and Grammys, BETs, GMAs, MOBO, Afrima will be among the list you'll find them on as lead Characters and NOT Second Fiddle. The music industry is so dynamic that you can't tell players how to do their business as long as what they're doing actually works for them.  There is this new phenomenon in our space that sees our talents being exported into a seemingly Second Fiddle position to our Naija brothers. There is a saying that if you can't beat them just join them yet this does not mean you should sell your birthright for gob3 simply beca...

An Over Pampering Executive is Bad for Citizenry.

An Over Pampering Executive is Bad for Citizenry. Story by One of Nana Akufo-Addo's biggest deficiency as a leader is his inability to sack or reshuffle his ministers which has led to them becoming arrogant & content with their incompetence. It took more than everything for Nana to sack Adwoa Safo when it was obvious that she had abandoned her post and today her apology clearly shows that she should have been sacked long time. Cecilia after losing 1million dollars to housegirls was not even sacked till she resigned herself. You can actually be the worse minister and trust me Nana will not even gather the courage to sack you and I keep wondering if this was the Nana I believe in. The fisheries industry has suffered under his watch in fact a lot of pole & line vessels have been scrapped due to the hardship his government have brought unto the sector yet his minister is still at post. In fact the close season for industry trawl vessels ended on the ...


ARREST RECALCITRANT Nigel Gaisie  Good Morning Ghana Police Service, on the 19th of October 2021 you arrested Shatta for causing fear & Panic AFTER some Doom Prophet prophesied death on him first which put him through unwarranted Trauma and necessitated his reaction. The Entertainment Industry went through a lot of stress for that Chalatanic behaviour which subsequently lead to your outfit releasing a statement to remind Ghanaians that such doom Prophecies and Chalatanic behaviours are against our LAWS of which offenders can go to Jail for up to 5 years. After your Press statement and subsequent explanation on 22nd December 2022 Majority of our Prophets have adhered to your directive. Unfortunately one Particular Prophet have decided to make nonsense out of all your warnings by going ahead to jokingly prophecy about Ghana in the name of Umofia. Since your outfit didn't take any action against him he has decided to bring his Chalatanic behaviour to our industry again and this ti...

Is TV3 Ghana promoting Gay through isono? - The VhimMovement quizzes

   Is TV3 Ghana promoting Gay through isono? VhimMovement quizzes Tv3 is one of my favourite station but that doesn't mean one should mute when something is just not right on the channel. Whiles Sam Dzata George is busy with his parliamentarians working hard to pass the Proper Family Values Law and now waiting for the President to sign it our own Channel TV 3 is busy showing a foreign television series titled isono which has 2 gay characters Gabriel & Abed and we're all here watching it right after the 7pm NEWS. We complain about gay characters in the books of our kids at school yet we have our TV showing it to our kids in our homes. Painfully these kids become fun of these characters and follow up on YouTube where they witness them in bed. Who is even checking Tv CONTENTS in this country before they get on our Screens? What is the work of the Classification Committee & have they been equipped to do their Job? Are we serious or everything is a joke in this Country...

Is Governor of BOG the only Job Mr. Ernest Addison can do? - FOCAP

Is Governor of BOG the only Job Mr. Ernest Addison can do? - FOCAP The Governor and Board of BOG are being asked to Step down by the Minority in Parliament and other Civil Society groups wth majority of Ghanaians because the Governor decided to blow 250 million Dollars on a headquarters building whiles we're in crisis looking for loans from IMF and due to this and other actions the government is now burdening Citizens with outrageous and unbearable Taxes. Indeed the Governor has admitted that he would have declined that building project if he had to make that decision today, meaning he has admitted that the building is not a priority and obviosly made a bad decision. Now the Honourable thing to do is for him to resign but he is still at post and now has provoked a demonstration from the Ministry MP & civil society groups with the Citizens by 5th September 2023. The Police Service which is suppose to protect these demonstrators are rather in court seeking for an injunction on th...