Akosua Agyapong is angry because she was finally told to do the Right thing.

Ghamro is a collective society for INDIVIDUAL RIGHT OWNERS and has nothing to do with Associations, unfortunately due to Ghamro's past which is Cosga that dealt with Associations some old Musicians still believe Ghamro should be dealing with Associations and that has been a figment of their imagination till now. Fact is these Associations were used in siphoning monies from Cosga but when Ghamro came into existence that narrative changed but Akosua and some Musicians are still live in the past. Akosua and these musicians sponsored by some old disgruntled Ghamro Board Members formed an Association called UNICOM GHAMRO with some unconfirmed 75 members and their maim objective was to BLACKMAIL; SABOTAGED and UNDERMINE GHAMRO all in the name of scrutiny/pressure group. Please note that GHAMRO consists of over 5000 INDIVIDUAL RIGHT OWNERS. Now for years they've been making senseless noise into the ears of the Attorney-General and because the AG was not too conversant with our opera...