Ghana To Export Drinking Water Soon?

PC APPIAH OFORI was left sitting ALONE in the middle with his 5k MPs accusations fight for Ghana. MARTIN AMIDU abandoned his INTEGRITY fight for Ghana when Jerry passes on. PROFESSOR FRIMPONG BOATENG is Being Roasted today for fighting for Ghana against indiscriminate illegal mining(Galamsey) that's DESTROYING OUR WATERS. Is it a Crime to Fight for Ghana? or It's just impossible to fight for Ghana. Those who came in Fighting and ACTING as if Ghana was their all simply abandoned that fight after winning Power and now it's so impossible to Trust anyone who comes in the name of Saving this Country. Maybe GH can't be saved and just like KOFI WAYO we should Smoke poff poff & pass the baton to the next generation to bury that ambition. Or you say we should still KEEP HOPE ALIVE? It's simply heartbreaking to see the Potential of Gh yet we're being swallowed by debt upon debt just because of INCOMPETENT & GREEDY Leadership from Past to Present and you wonde...